Installation and finishing of notes
Here are some points to keep in mind when composing band notes.
Voice recorder
Install voice files always up in portrait
Install up to the A4. Music Center runs voice files ( score ) out to A4 or A3 so that A4 expands accordingly.
Make sure that the margins are not too wide and not too narrow. Use the default setting in eg Sibelius.
Do not have beats too wide or few in the system - have remembered 4 to 5 beats in a system. Override automatic spacing or pagebreaks .
Make sure the system is not too large. Preset setting in document setup in Sibelius gives 7p. Depends a bit on the size of the band but we recommend that it be reduced as much as possible, though never less than in 4p.
Do not have a title page on parts - we will create them.
Have an instrument summary / list and duration of transport ( duration ) on one page at the top of the voice file. Indicate on that page whether there is a voice file performed or not.
Have rhythm numbers and practice numbers in logical places.
Extract blank lines in a voice file. If an instrument does not play for a long time, it should be dropped from the voice directory on pages that do not have "voice". ( System separation in Sibelius) If an instrument does not play for a long time, for example at the end of a work, insert td inn tacet al fine.
Do not number blank pages. Edit page numbers ( page number change) or remove the page number if the page is blank. Ef site should be blank it needs to be specifically mentioned, e.g. by entering the site Page left empty for ease of performance or Page intentionally left blank .
Pass the location of page numbers. It is important that page numbers do not fall into place. The rule is that the start page is the right page and the number is odd. You can start with a flat number if the home page is, for a special reason, the left page is open.
Install in A4. The Music Center runs voices / parts into B4 so that A4 expands slightly.
Make sure that the margins are not too wide and not too narrow. Use the default setting in eg Sibelius.
Not too wide beats or few beats in a system - have remembered 4 to 5 beats in a system. Override automatic spacing or pagebreaks .
Insert cues in well-chosen places when an instrument does not play for a long time.
Have rhythm numbers and practice numbers in logical places.
Match views. Think of scrolls so that the musician can scroll in a good place.
Make sure the page number is positioned. It is important that page numbers do not fall into place. Note that the home page is always the right page and the number is odd. You can start with a flat number if the home page is left-handed.