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MYRKIR MÚSÍKDAGAR 2021: Opið fyrir tillögur að efnisskrá

Fyrst og fremst er leitað að:

  • Tillögum að efnisskrá fyrir heila tónleika

  • „Tónskáldið á tímamótum“

  • Innsetningum

  • Spuna

  • Raftónlist: Lifandi flutningur

  • Dagskrá fyrir börn: Skapandi smiðjur og tónleikar þeim tengdar

Á Myrkum músíkdögum er lögð sérstök áhersla á að efniskrár innihaldi verk sem hafa sögulegt gildi í tónsköpun 20. aldarinnar eða eru hluti af nýsköpun samtímans. 


OPEN CALL: Dark Music Days, Icelandic festival of contemporary and new music, has been running for over 40 years. The festival was founded and is still organised by the Icelandic Composers Society.  There is limited space in the festival programme and applications can be one of the following:

·      Concert programme to be performed at the festival

·      Portrait of a composer

·      Installations

·      Free improvisation performances

·      Projects of electronic music of any style expressed in the form of a live set

·      Creative programmes for children: Workshops and concerts

The festival focuses on contemporary music of the 21st century and important musical moments of the 20th century. Link to application form on the DMD website.



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