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Summary of grants

Music grants


Music Fund.  The role of the fund  is to promote Icelandic music and promote the promotion of Icelandic musicians and their composition.

RÚV and STEF Composers' Fund  promotes the creation and distribution of larger compositions. Hann  provides grants to pay Icelandic composers costs and salaries for composing compositions.

Composers' Fund 365.  (also called Bylgjan and Stöðvar 2 Composers 'Fund) Composers' Fund  365  is intended to promote the increased creation of new Icelandic music that could strengthen Icelandic culture and programming, including in the media  365.

Recording Fund  (Rannís / Ministry of Culture).  The Recording Fund provides funding for the recording of new, original music that is intended to promote innovation. Grants are awarded for general projects and development projects. Grants from the Audiovisual Fund shall be granted for specific projects and for no longer than one year at a time.

Refunds for recordings.  Musicians can apply for a refund of the cost of recording from the Ministry of Industry and Innovation. 80% or more of the cost must have been incurred in Iceland and it is possible to apply for a refund of 25% of the cost.

Icelandic Music Export Fund.  The role of the Icelandic Music Export Fund is to strengthen Icelandic musicians by bringing their music to a larger audience, in a larger market and increase its chances of success outside Iceland.

Kraumur  has not advertised for new projects or advertised application processes since 2015. Kraumur's project manager receives inquiries regarding the Kraumur Prize and suggestions for music-related projects that have been forwarded, along with comments, to the board of Aurora's charity fund. You can contact the fund's project manager through;

Ernst von Siemens  is an international fund that sponsors commissions, festivals, seminars and more related to composers and new works.

Artist salary  -  The role of the Designers' Wages Fund, the Visual Artists' Wages Fund, the Writers' Wages Fund, the Performers' Wages Fund, the Music Performers' Wages Fund and the Composers' Wages Fund is to provide artists with salaries and grants under the Artists' Wages Act. Special committees handle the allocation of salaries from the funds and they are appointed according to the proposals of the professional associations of the above funds.

STEF Travel Fund  -  The fund is primarily intended for those authors and projects that  do not fall under the conditions of Reykjavíkur-Loftbrú.  It is assumed that the applicants have submitted their power of attorney to STEF and that it has become valid  main members in either of STEF's member companies, i.e. Association of Composers and Lyricists  or the Icelandic Composers' Association.

STEF's Night Fund,  goals  of the fund is to support the publication of Icelandic compositions, i.e. music with or without lyrics, in sheet music and in digital form.

STEFs Recording Fund,  goals  Audiovisual Fund  is to support the publication of Icelandic compositions, i.e. music with or without lyrics, on records, CDs and other recordings as well as on video discs and other charts.

Styrktarsjóður Samtaka  about music halls  and  Ruthar Hermanns.  The fund provides musicians with financial support for concerts in Harpa. Special emphasis is placed on supporting young and outstanding musicians.

Ýlir  - Harpa Music Fund  for young people, for concerts and projects planned for the year.

Tónaland: Grants for concerts in the countryside .  Only for members of FÍT and FÍH.

Hljómdiskasjóður FÍT.  The company distributes annually from the Hljómdiskasjóður to members.  As a rule, two grants are awarded per year, but the allocation takes into account the fund's financial position, which is financed  with income from SFH.

FÍH Cultural Fund  accepts applications all year round on its website. The fund supports members of FÍH for study, concerts and the publication of records. The fund committee meets approx. every other month.

Rotary Music Fund  -  gives recognition to young musicians who have excelled in any field of music in the form of financial support for further studies.

Other grants


Reykjavík City Fund  The City Fund's purpose is to provide grants for general art activities to individuals, cultural institutions and art groups who have proven their worth in Reykjavík's cultural life or can clearly demonstrate the value of their work, without the grants being linked to a specific project.

Ingjaldssjóður  grants  "Promising Icelandic students at the University of Iceland for postgraduate studies abroad in business management or international business or students in music".


Kópavogur Arts and Culture Fund  provides grants to individuals, art groups, associations, companies and institutions "for general art activities or projects that are in accordance with the town's policy and emphasis in arts and culture." In evaluating applications  will be watched, among other things  to the artistic aspect of the project and how it can enrich the cultural life of the town. Projects that include original creation and premiere will be given a go.

The Memorial Fund for Jean Pierre Jaquillat , former principal conductor of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra, provides an annual grant to a promising musician for postgraduate studies in music, abroad.

Akureyri Cultural Fund  provides grants for cultural and academic work.

Municipal cultural committees  provide grants for projects related to culture and the arts. To obtain an application form, you usually need to apply for access to the municipal population portal.

Mosfellsbær - cultural grants.  The Cultural Affairs Committee regularly advertises for parties requesting financial contributions  from the committee for art events and cultural affairs.  This includes financial contributions to various cultural activities in the town.

Development Fund  Westfjords  Start-up and operating grants are provided to cultural institutions, project grants to cultural affairs and project grants to business development and innovation projects. An innovation is that it is possible to apply for larger grants for a longer period than before, up to three years.

Development Fund  Eyþing  - provides project grants for cultural projects, business development and innovation as well as start-up and operating grants for cultural affairs.

Development Fund  East  The fund's role is to support cultural and innovation projects, as well as other projects that are part of the region's development plan.

Development Fund  Vesturlands.  The fund's role is to support cultural and innovation projects, as well as other projects that are part of the region's development plan.

Southern Iceland Development Fund  The fund's role is to provide project grants in the field of innovation, culture and business development in the South.

Development Fund  Northwest.  Grants for business development and innovation.  Project grants in the field of culture.  Start-up and operating grants in the field of culture.

Valitor Community Fund.  The role of the fund is to support a variety of cultural, charitable and social issues.

Landsvirkjun Community Fund.  Landsvirkjun sponsors many good causes every year and the company receives invitations to participate in and support interesting projects. Landsvirkjun's Community Fund provides grants for arts, charity, culture, sports, the environment and education.

Landsbankinn Community Fund.  The community grants are intended to support projects in various fields, including in the fields of humanitarian affairs, culture and the arts, education, research and science, prevention and youth work, and specific publishing activities.

Rio Tinto Community Fund  Alcan  Grants are provided for social affairs, including cultural affairs.

Youth Fund  sponsors various projects under the auspices of youth associations and youth organizations.

Barnavinafélagið Sumargjöf  sponsors research, art and development projects that can benefit children of pre-school and primary school age.

Kjarvalsstofa in Paris.  Kjarvalsstofa in Paris is a studio apartment with work facilities, intended for residents. The office is owned by the City of Reykjavík, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Central Bank of Iceland and is located in the center of Paris, close to Notre Dame Cathedral.

Foreign co-operation grants

Nordic Culture Fund -  Nordic Culture Fund  strengthens cultural co-operation between the Nordic countries. At least three countries' co-operation is usually required.

The Nordic Culture Portal  - Kulturkontakt Nord,  the cultural and artistic program. Strengthens cultural co-operation between the Nordic countries. Project grants, travel grants and network grants.

EU Culture Program - Creative Europe.  Various funding options

NATA  -  North Atlantic Tourist Association  is responsible for formulating a common tourism policy for the West Nordic countries (Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands) and  supports various projects that promote tourism within the area, including cultural projects.

NAPA - Grants for projects in Greenland .  The fund supports individuals, organizations and institutions that need financial support to support projects related to culture, education, science and information activities in Greenland.

The West Nordic Capital Fund.  The purpose of the fund is to strengthen understanding and co-operation between elected representatives and residents in Nuuk, Reykjavík and Þórshöfn and to support various activities for this purpose, primarily in the field of culture.

AP Møller Fund  strengthens co-operation and cultural work between Denmark and the other Nordic countries. Both institutions and individuals can apply for grants to the fund.

The Clara Lachmann Fund  strengthens cultural co-operation between the Nordic countries.

Young people's initiative  is the Icelandic name for the European Union's Youth Program,  Youth in Action, and is a joint project of the EU, the Ministry of Education and Culture and UMFÍ. The program provides grants for young people of all ages  15-30 years  and those who work with young people.

European Cultural Foundation . Co-operation grants for co-operation between two or more European countries.

Alliance Cultural Foundation  supports co-operation projects between three or more European countries. The fund focuses on supporting outstanding, young artists who pursue modern art and innovation in the field of art.

The American-Scandinavian Foundation  - strengthen  cultural projects in Scandinavia and the United States. The projects must arouse the public's interest in the culture of the country presented in the project.

Egil Skallagrímsson's Fund  -  The purpose of the fund is to promote Icelandic culture and the arts in the British Isles, but for this purpose it provides financial support. NOTE! Postmark does not apply, application must be received by post before this date.

Nordplus, project grant  -  The goals of the Nordplus Language and Culture Program are to increase understanding of neighboring languages and to increase interest, knowledge and understanding of Nordic culture, languages and lifestyles.

Travel grants from the Nordic Culture Point  -  Grants travel for artists and those working in the cultural sector between the Nordic countries and the Baltic countries.

The Danish-Icelandic Fund  -  Iceland-Denmark Co-operation Fund

The Swedish-Icelandic Cooperation Fund.  The fund is intended to strengthen Swedish-Icelandic co-operation, support mutual cultural relations and educate about Swedish and Icelandic culture and societies. Every year, the fund sponsors bilateral cooperation  particularly in the fields of culture, education and research

The Cultural Fund of Iceland and Finland.  The purpose of the fund is to strengthen the cultural ties between Finland and Iceland. To this end, the fund provides annual travel grants and other financial support. Grants are primarily awarded to individuals. Support for organizations and institutions is also possible in special circumstances. Grants to attend Nordic or international conferences are generally not eligible.

Contribution to Norwegian-Icelandic cultural work.  The aim of the donation is to promote diverse cultural co-operation between Norway and Iceland, and Norwegians and Icelanders can apply for donations to projects that are considered important in both countries and are likely to lead to lasting links between professionals, artists and scholars.  The projects must reflect a variety of artistic forms and have both a reference to history and the present.

Norway's national holiday gift.  The purpose of the fund is to make it easier for Icelanders to travel to Norway. To this end, the fund provides recognized associations, organizations and organized groups with travel grants to Norway to strengthen international relations.

US Embassy Cooperation Grants  - grants for collaborative projects between Iceland and the United States.

Letterstedska.  Travel grants,  conferences and publications.

Scandinavia - Japan Sasakawa Foundation .  Provides grants to strengthen relations between Iceland and Japan. The grants are awarded for projects in collaboration or in connection with Japanese parties. Travel grants, scholarships and grants for short-term stays are provided. On behalf of the Icelandic division, Björg Jóhannesdóttir accepts applications from bjorgmin [at]

The Ernst Schering Foundation .  The fund supports projects in modern art on display in Berlin.


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