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Harpa Nordic Film Composers Award 2021 – opið fyrir innsendingar til 1. október 2020

HARPA – Norrænu kvikmyndatónskáldaverðlaunin hafa verið afhent síðan árið 2010. Undanfarin ár hefur verðlaunaafhendingin verið liður í Nordic Film Music Days, norrænum kvikmyndatónlistardögunum í tengslum við Berlinale kvikmyndahátíðina í Berlín. Meðal verðlaunahafa eru Davíð Þór Jónsson, Daníel Bjarnason og Atli Örvarsson ásamt því að Jóhann Jóhannsson hlaut heiðursverðlaun árið 2016.

Nú er kallað eftir innsendingum til verðlaunanna. Innsendingar sendist á

Nánari upplýsingar eru á


Í orðsendingu frá skipuleggjendum segir: >>>>>

We know that Nordic composers have a lot to be proud of. And therefore, we are asking composers working in the Nordic countries and being a member of the national collecting society to submit their best Film & TV Scores for HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award 2021.

The composition must be for a narrative feature, documentary or TV-series released between

July 21st, 2019 and July 21st, 2020.

Submission deadline is October 1st.

For the past years HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award & The Nordic Film Music Days have become a fixture on the event calendar during BERLINALE – Berlin International Film Festival. It’s a unique opportunity to spotlight Nordic composers and to celebrate their music during this prestigious festival. Nordic Film Music Days create a space to communicate, start future collaborations, educate and to network during the festival. Make sure to submit for the 2021 HARPA Awards and to participate in the Nordic Film Music Days. Dates and full program at the Nordische Botschaften will be released later. 

Your submission must include:

-Full name, contact info and of the composer

-membership number of the national collecting society

-Link to screener with English subtitles

-Link to IMDB 


Sigurvegarar HARPA Nordic Film Composers Award

​2020 Berlin | Gaute Storaas (Norway) | Bröllop, begravning & dop

2019 Berlin | Davíð Þór Jónsson and Benedikt Erlingsson (Iceland)| Woman at war

2018 Berlin| Daníel Bjarnason (Iceland) | Under the Tree

2017 Berlin and Cannes | Honor award | Bent Fabricius-Bjerre (Denmark)

2017 Berlin and Cannes | Sune Martin (Denmark) | Land of Mine

2016 Berlin | Honor award | Johann Johannsson (Iceland)

2016 Berlin | Atli Örvarsson | Rams

2014 Espoo | Matti Bye (Sweden) | Faro

2013 Trondheim |Tuomas Kantelinen (Finland) | Puhdistus

2012 Reykjavik |Fredrik Emilson (Sweden) | Kronjuvelarna

2011 Copenhagen | Gaute Storaas (Norway) | Elias og jakten på havets gull

2010 Gothenburg | Dani Strömbäck (Finland) | Letters to Father Jacob



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